I have the most wonderful birdhouse. I love it so much and was thrilled last Spring when a momma bird immediately adopted it as home for her upcoming little ones.
In only a matter of days, we heard the chirping of her baby hatchlings. I felt like a proud grandparent.
And then it happened —
About 3pm one beautiful, sunny afternoon I walked out our front door and was stopped by the most awful sounds – momma and daddy bird screaming hysterically. I had no idea birds could scream so.
But there, hanging out of my beautiful birdhouse was about 2.5 feet of snake swinging back and forth. I watched in horror as the rest of him slithered into the nest.

It was literally three weeks before I could go back out that door. And quite some time before I could take down the birdhouse to clean it out. It was no longer my wonderful birdhouse, but my snake feeder. I did not want a snake feeder.
I know this is how nature works, but I don’t want it to work this way in my yard.
So I began researching how to protect future baby hatchlings – or no more birdhouse for me (definitely no snake feeder).
Low and behold, my garden teacher, Ellen Ashely, gave me the answer.

It’s so easy, everyone should be using it. Simply slide a slinky over the post to your birdhouse and the snake can’t slither up. Not only is it easy, but barely detectable.
Safe birds, safe birdhouse, no more snake feeder.
Here you can see the slinky on my newest birdhouse as well :)

Thanks, Ellen!