Category Archives: pumpkins

My Pumpkins Keep Growing!

Here we are, about 6 weeks after planting: About a week after the two baby leaves appear, the first “true” leaf, sporting jagged edges, starts to grow from the center of the young sprout, providing a glimpse of the plant … Continue reading

Posted in pumpkins | 2 Comments

My Pumpkins are Growing!

19 out of about 30 of my plants have come up! Hooray! I may have some pumpkins in my yard this fall! So far, so good. I bought seeds loose from a seed store, added some of my home grown … Continue reading

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Planting Pumpkins

Growing Pumpkins: In a sunny spot that gets at least 6 hours of sun. Typically in the middle of small hills or mounds about three feet in diameter. Surround each hill with a moat (about 4 inches wide and 4 … Continue reading

Posted in pumpkins | 3 Comments


I chopped down the remainder of the broccoli plants today. I’ve read about trying to get the plant through the heat and the possibility of some “side heads”, but it all seemed like a lot of time and effort for … Continue reading

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