Container Gardening

Container Gardening


I found a great article on 66 things you can grow at home in containers.

I have a new found excitement for container gardening because (1) it’s below freezing outside right now and (2) I just had a Meyer’s Lemon tree delivered!

At any rate, check out this article and see what you may want to grow inside!

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2 Responses to Container Gardening

  1. Maria says:

    I’m so happy for you Karen container gardening is very exciting and fun! There are even easy to do books on containers and pots you can make for almost nothing.

  2. Karen says:

    Thanks, Maria. I’m excited to learn about more container gardening. I have such a huge yard that I typically buy plants for outside. Since we have almost 6 dormant months here in North Carolina, containers opens a whole new world!

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