I Planted Root Crops Today


I planted root crops today, because Farmer’s Almanac told me to.

I planted carrot seeds, bulb onions, garlic, new potatoes and regular potatoes.

And now, I wait some more!

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2 Responses to I Planted Root Crops Today

  1. Okay, when can you eat this stuff? I’m getting hungry just thinking about it.

    I’ve been keeping track and I think you’ve planted out about 1/10th of your tilled ground. What else do you have planned?

  2. Karen says:

    OMG! My garden is so full! I’ve planted TONS of everything I’ve planted! Last year, I just didn’t have enough. :) Remember how I planted 5 potatoes and the Germans laughed at me??? Well, this year, I bought 10 potatoes and 10 red potatoes. I’ll show Frank’s mother!

    And, I saved some space for beans (which I just read in Farmer’s Almanac that I can’t plant until April 4th) and tomato plants. We had 3 tomato plants last year and got TONS of tomatoes so that’s what I’m planning again this year.

    Thanks for keeping track and, yes, When Can We Eat???

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