I planted. I waited.
7 days later, Sprouts! Lettuce and spinach. My sister questions why they took so long. I believe they created a solid foundation and I will have the most amazing lettuce and spinach all season long!
The spring onions and broccoli look like they did when I planted, but I know they’re growing fabulous roots even as we speak.
This week, we’re supposed to have warm temperatures. Perfect.
And, Farmer’s Almanac says I can plant my root vegetables over the next few days, so I will!
March 2011
20th-21st Favorable Days For Planting Root, Fine For Sowing Hay, Fodder Crops, And Grains. Plant Flowers.
22nd-23rd Excellent Time For Planting Root Crops That Can Be Planted Now, And For Starting Seedbeds. Good Days For Transplanting.
I have Sprouts!!