Last year, my first “try” at gardening, I enthusiastically planted some things in spite of Farmer’s Almanac warnings. Those were a disaster. Anything I planted when Farmer’s Almanac advised grew quickly and grew healthy. This year, Farmer’s Almanac is my bible.
March 2011
11th-12th Seeds Planted Now Tend To Rot In The Ground.
13th-14th Best Planting Days For Aboveground Crops, Especially Peas, Beans, Cucumbers And Squash, Where Climate Is Suitable. Plant Seedbeds And Flower Gardens.
15th-19th A Most Barren Period, Best For Killing Plant Pests Or Doing Chores Around The Farm.
20th-21st Favorable Days For Planting Root, Fine For Sowing Hay, Fodder Crops, And Grains. Plant Flowers.
22nd-23rd Excellent Time For Planting Root Crops That Can Be Planted Now, And For Starting Seedbeds. Good Days For Transplanting.
24th-26th Poor Planting Days.
27th-28th Any Root Crops That Can Be Planted Now Will Do Well.
29th-31st A Barren Period, Best Suited For Killing Pests. Do Plowing And Cultivating.
April 2011
1st-2nd Favorable Days For Planting Root Crops, Extra Good For Vine Crops. Set Strawberry Plants. Good Days For Transplanting.
3rd-4th Poor Planting Days. Break Ground Or Cultivate.
5th-6th Favorable For Planting Beans, Corn, Cotton, Tomatoes, Peppers, And Other Aboveground Crops.
7th-8th Poor Days For Planting, Seeds Tend To Rot In The Ground.
9th-10th Plant Tomatoes, Beans, Peppers, Corn, Cotton, And Other Aboveground Crops On These Most Fruitful Days. Plant Seedbeds. Start Flower Gardens.
11th-15th Grub Out Weeds, Briars, And Other Plant Pests.
16th-17th First Day Good For Planting Corn, Melons, Squash, Tomatoes, And Other Aboveground Crops. Last Day Favorable For Planting Root Crops. All Days Favorable For Sowing Grains, Hay And Fodder Crops, And For Planting Flowers.
18th-20th Good Days For Planting Beets, Carrots, Radishes, Turnips, Peanuts, And Other Root Crops. Also Good For Cabbage, Cauliflower, Lettuce, Kale, Celery, And Other Leafy Vegetables. Start Seedbeds. Good Days For Transplanting.
21st-22nd Barren Days. Do No Planting.
23rd-25th Favorable Days For Planting Beets, Carrots, Turnips, Radishes, Onions, And Other Root Crops.
26th-27th Excellent Time To Kill Weeds, Briars, Poison Ivy, And Other Plant Pests.
28th-29th Favorable Days For Planting Root Crops, Extra Good For Vine Crops. Set Strawberry Plants. Good Days For Transplanting.
30th Poor Planting Day. Break Ground Or Cultivate.
May 2011
1st-2nd Poor Planting, Fine For Cultivating Or Spraying.
3rd-4th Favorable For Planting Beans, Corn, Cotton, Tomatoes, Peppers, And Other Aboveground Crops.
5th-6th Any Seed Planted Now Will Tend To Rot.
7th-8th Most Favorable For Planting Corn, Cotton, Okra, Beans, Peppers, Eggplant, And Other Aboveground Crops. Plant Seedbeds And Flower Gardens.
Honestly, this stuff is a bloody mystery. In my hunting around I found what you’ve included above but I also found this link:
It’s also the Farmer’s Almanac, or rather the “OLD” FA, which one assumes is a different group altogether but surely the same moon circles this old farmer as circles your new and improved version. This site has the “advantage” that it allows you to put in your city/state. Knowing I couldn’t be on the same growing cycle you are and suspicious that your Almanac seems to think every climate should have the same planting regimen (it claims: “applies generally to regions where the climate is favorable” – yeah, whatever THAT means) I looked for Honolulu thinking it was closer to Sydney in climate and timezone (this site’s only good for the US) and the recommendations are vastly different than for Greensboro, NC. In fact it suggests planting lettuce on days where above you warn the seeds will rot in the ground.
I think the bible of planting might be as hard to pin down as any other holy book.